Eine Frage aus Bukarest


Erkennt jemand auf dem Foto Joachim Schwebe?

Von: Marin Marian-Balasa
Betreff: identifying a 1969 colleague
Dear colleagues,
finding on the net a page of your archive containing 1950s photos by Joachim Schwebe,
I wonder whether you had any old photos of Joachim Schwebe himself, and could compare them (or exchange them) with the two 1969 photos I am attaching here;
in your opinion, is the third (respectively the first) gentleman here Joachim Schwebe?
Marin Marian-Balasa
(PS: mine photos belong to the archive of the "C.Brailoiu" Institute of Ethnography and Folklore, in Bucharest)
Archiv-ID: 49144
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